Making your commands/vars

  • Details about Exec functions
  • For static variables (int32, float, bool, FString) see FAutoConsoleVariableRef
  • For commands see FAutoConsoleObject and the childs such as FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorld or FAutoConsoleCommand

Code snippet

     *  @return "TFC.Debug.TheName"     
     *  @return "TFC.Debug.OptionalSubCatepgry.TheName"
#define TFC_Console_Internal_BuildFullCommandString(SubNameString, SubCategoryString) \  
    FString::Printf(TEXT("TFC.Debug.%s"), *(SubCategoryString.IsEmpty() ? SubNameString : SubCategoryString + "." + SubNameString))  
    struct FTFCAutoConsoleCommandWithWorld : private FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorld  
       FTFCAutoConsoleCommandWithWorld(const FString& SubName, const FString& Help, const FConsoleCommandWithWorldDelegate& Delegate, const FString& OptionalSubCategory = "")  
          : FAutoConsoleCommandWithWorld(*TFC_Console_Internal_BuildFullCommandString(SubName, OptionalSubCategory), *Help, Delegate, ECVF_Default)  

Engine & Editor commands

Miscs Commands

  • ShowDebug [Name], by default this will give details about the player pawn/character

Rendering commands

  • FreezeRendering, good to use with ToggleDebugCamera, allows you to see how culling works, with extra stuff like seeing the POV of different steps of rendering (press B)
  • ToggleDebugCamera
  • ProfileGPU panel, also named “GPU Visualizer”
  • r.Streaming.PoolSize XXX