

  • AAIController::FindPathForMoveRequest calls UNavigationSystemV1::FindPathSync


AI not playing animations

enable bUseAccelerationForPaths on the CMC

AI braking

to change the AI braking you have on the Nav Component (can be CMC)

  • bUseFixedBrakingDistanceForPaths
  • FixedPathBrakingDistance

MoveTo params

UAITask_MoveTo params

  • bAllowPartialPath: “allow using incomplete path going toward goal but not reaching it”
  • bool bLockAILogic: ~“stops BT’s (and probably ST’s) from running while the move is active”
  • bUseContinuousGoalTracking: if a goal actor is set and valid the AI will continuously try to go towards it. Can fail or be externally cancel.
  • ProjectGoalOnNavigation: “Try to move the goal to the navigation surface before requesting the move, fails if it can’t.” / “goal location will be projected on navigation data before use”
  • RequireNavigableEndLocation: “Set to No/Disable to allow pursuing the request even if no navigation surface is found at the goal location.” / “if set - require the end location to be linked to the navigation data”

Other info

  • bCanStrafe: “keep focal point at move goal”