Snippet to add a component at runtime and see it in detail panel
Thanks Northstar for sharing.

UActorComponent* UCyComponentLibrary::AddRuntimeInstanceComponent(AActor* Actor, TSubclassOf<UActorComponent> ComponentClass) 
	if (!IsValid(Actor) || !IsValid(ComponentClass)) { return nullptr; }
	EObjectFlags Flags = RF_Transient;
	Flags &= ~RF_Transactional;
	UActorComponent* NewComponent = NewObject<UActorComponent>(Actor, ComponentClass, NAME_None, Flags);
	if (!IsValid(NewComponent)) { return nullptr; }
	return NewComponent;

Never tested
Can be needed when dynamically spawning components


For scene components when you attach them and register, there is only two ways

  1. Use SetupAttachement then RegisterComponent
  2. Use RegisterComponent then AttachTo