Snippet to add a component at runtime and see it in detail panel
Thanks Northstar for sharing.
UActorComponent* UCyComponentLibrary::AddRuntimeInstanceComponent(AActor* Actor, TSubclassOf<UActorComponent> ComponentClass)
if (!IsValid(Actor) || !IsValid(ComponentClass)) { return nullptr; }
EObjectFlags Flags = RF_Transient;
Flags &= ~RF_Transactional;
UActorComponent* NewComponent = NewObject<UActorComponent>(Actor, ComponentClass, NAME_None, Flags);
if (!IsValid(NewComponent)) { return nullptr; }
return NewComponent;
Never tested
Can be needed when dynamically spawning components
For scene components when you attach them and register, there is only two ways
- Use SetupAttachement then RegisterComponent
- Use RegisterComponent then AttachTo