
All the keys can be changed in the editor settings

Blueprint Editor Cheat Sheet


Camera movements

  • Go up (E)
  • Go down (Q)
  • Change speed (Scroll Wheel)

Edit selected object

  • Move (W)
  • Rotate (E)
  • Scale (R)


  • Focus Move the editor camera pivot on the selected object (F)
  • Content Browser Open the asset of the selected object (if any) in the latest actif content browser tab (Ctrl + B)


  • Search Nodes, keywords, variables, ... (Ctrl + F)
  • Rename (F2)
  • Toggle breakpoint (F9)
  • Variable (Get) Place a GETTER of the dragged variable (Hold Ctrl while dragging)
  • Variable (Set) Place a SETTER of the dragged variable (Hold Alt while dragging)
  • Branch Place a Branch node (B)
  • Do Once Place a Do Once node (O)
  • Gate Place a Gate node (G)
  • Group Place a Group encapsulating the selected nodes (if none selected it will have a default size) (C)
  • Sequence Place a Sequence node (S)
  • For Each Loop Place a For Each Loop node (F)
  • Delay Place a Delay node (D)

Console commands

  • ToggleDisplay : disables all HUD
  • show COLLISION : displays collisions, works in PIE
  • Object console commands list


Automatically Break on BP Exceptions Add this in DefaultEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini


Show BP Script Callstack on Warnings add this in DefaultEngine.ini




Reset editor camera to before-PIE location & rotation

Disable bEnableViewportCameraToUpdateFromPIV in Editor settings

Control Asset Open Location

Edit AssetEditorOpenLocation in Editor Settings

Handle crashing for shipping builds

Enable Include Crash Reporter in the project settings If you want to have a more detailed call stack, you need to include the debug symbols in your build, to do so enable Include Debug Files.

More info on how to use symbols to read mini dumps in shipping builds while not shipping the debug symbols directly to the user. Time code (good for testing in a small environment)

Custom crash reporter and receive crash logs
If you want to make the user send the crash report to you (and not epic games (by default)), you can use a external tool that supports UE crash reporter (some example are Sentry, Bugsplat and Backtrace) Time code.